Tuesday 30 December 2014


Welcome to The Year Of Reinvention!

I'd like to introduce myself to you using my own linguistical play on the stereotypical opening line from a self-help support group:

My name is Caroline. And I'm stuck in a rut.

Like most people, 2014 brought me so many highs that I felt as if I was dancing from cloud to cloud with the strong sense that nothing would ever break my stride. In stark contrast, 2014 also dropped me from thirty thousand feet up in the air onto the concrete floor too many times to count, making it seem as though I'd never be able to accomplish my dreams.

Last week I had a revelation. Why not make 2015 the year that I take my life into my own hands and try to become the best person that I could possibly be?

I realised that I had to stay accountable for my actions throughout the year and the process, and that clear goals would have to be set in order for me to monitor my progress. I never thought goal-setting would prove to be so hard! One thing I did know was that an easy way to stay accountable would be to write a blog documenting the process.

So here it goes!

There are some goals that are easy to document; such as goals linking to health and fitness, but others, such as improving social and emotional relationships, are not as straightforward to write up about.

As of December 30th 2014, I know that I want 2015 to be the year that I:

  • Become the healthiest and fittest that I've ever been. 
  • Challenge myself by stepping out of my comfort zone to try new things.
  • Work on solidifying friendships and partnerships, as well as making new ones.
  • Do more of the things that truly make me happy.

From these bullet points, I'm guessing that this will become a lifestyle blog. We'll find out soon enough!

My goals are broad, but they are without a doubt, a work in progress. I'm sure they will get added to and changed slightly throughout the year, but at this stage, I'm happy that I've set myself the challenge that I'm finally ready to accept.